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Luxury Location with its internal church for marriages and private cerimonies, the Villa Asolona lies dipped in the silence and the quiet atmosphere of the magic hills surrounding Asolo. It is a property that had been able to keep intact, in its four centuries’ history, the bourgeois Venetian atmosphere of the XVIII Century while keeping its simplicity, its traditions and multifaceted knowledge of that period.

«I love you, i love you and i don’t dare to tell it to you more»

Eleonora Duse


From the small terrace of the first floor, the wonderful view makes the glances to wander in far away horizons, while the soft and gentle colours of the stuccos of the contiguous hall recalling fine arabesques, capture the sight and the attention of the watcher. These peculiarities contribute to make the Villa Asolona a perfect location for fairy-tale photo shootings.

«If you get simple beauty and naught else, you get about the best thing God invents»

Robert Browning

Wellcome to Villa

The multi-faceted atmosphere of this historical building provides the guest with the ideal setting both for private cerimonies and any product or service offered with added value. The proximity of the sweet and seducing Asolo is surely an important factor.

«He who has suffered much is less wise than he who has much enjoyed.»

Gabriele D’Annunzio

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